
24 – 25, June 2024 
Pre-Conference Workshops
Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics Workshop_page-0001
Workshop 1
A pre-conference workshop is where you may interact personally with the resource person in the specific field, ask questions, work together and have a more exclusive experience. ICECCT 2024 offers the chance to learn more about your professional course through various pre-conference workshops. Below are the two pre-conference workshops offered by the conference. Apart from discussions and interactions with the experts, these workshops provide a hands on training experience to the participants. 
Workshop #1 – Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Workshop
Workshop #2 – Renewable Energy Systems and Modelling Trends in Multi Physics approach
Workshop #3 – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 
These workshops are ultimately free to all the registered participants of ICECCT 2024. Participating in these workshops particularly in person will greatly help the students and researchers to get insights in the relevant fields and interaction with the experts will provide a strong guidance. 

ICECCT had participants from the following countries

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